Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer (WI25) Dumps February 2025
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Salesforce User-Experience-Designer is a necessary certification exam to get certified. The certification is a reward to the deserving candidate with perfect results. The Salesforce Designers Certification validates a candidate's expertise to work with Salesforce. In this fast-paced world, a certification is the quickest way to gain your employer's approval. Try your luck in passing the Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer (WI25) Exam and becoming a certified professional today. is always eager to extend a helping hand by providing approved and accepted Salesforce User-Experience-Designer Practice Questions. Passing Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer (WI25) will be your ticket to a better future!
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Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to provide employees with quick access to apps, objects, and other items in the Salesforce mobile app. Which navigational feature should CK use?
A. Personalized Navigation Tabs B. Console Navigation C. Utility Bar
Answer: A Explanation:Personalized Navigation Tabs are a navigational feature that allows the users to customizethe navigation bar of the Salesforce mobile app with the items that they use mostfrequently. Users can add, remove, and reorder the tabs in the navigation bar, and accessthem with a single tap. Users can also mark their favorite items with a star icon, and accessthem from the Favorites tab. Personalized Navigation Tabs can help Cloud Kicks (CK)employees to quickly access the apps, objects, and other items that they need in theSalesforce mobile app12Console Navigation is a navigational feature that allows the users to work withmultiple records and objects on a single screen in the Salesforce desktopapp. Console Navigation is not available in the Salesforce mobile app, and it is notsuitable for providing quick access to apps, objects, and other items3Utility Bar is a navigational feature that allows the users to access commonproductivity tools, such as notes, history, or macros, from a fixed footer at thebottom of the Salesforce desktop app. Utility Bar is not available in the Salesforcemobile app, and it is not suitable for providing quick access to apps, objects, andother items4References:Personalize Your Navigation Bar in the Salesforce Mobile App - Salesforce HelpPersonalize Your Navigation Bar in the Salesforce Mobile App Unit | SalesforceTrailheadConsole Navigation - Salesforce HelpUtility Bar - Salesforce Help
Question # 2
Cloud Kicks' Sales team needs In-App Guidance for key functions and processes so they can maximize their time. In which way should a UX Designer customize the Salesforce Help Menu to meet this request?
A. Show a site map of all the content. B. Create a docked prompt based on new feature rollouts. C. Provide links to external resources, such as training videos or a company dictionary.
Answer: A Explanation: Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek, interpret, and rememberinformation that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while ignoring ordiscounting information that contradicts them1. Confirmation bias can affect user feedbacksessions by influencing how the researcher designs the test, asks the questions, observesthe behavior, and analyzes the data of the users. Confirmation bias can lead to inaccurateor incomplete insights, and ultimately to poor design decisions2.One way to avoid confirmation bias in user feedback sessions is to allow the user toexplore the application without specific questions regarding which tasks to perform. Thiscan help the researcher to observe the user’s natural and spontaneous interaction with theapplication, without imposing any expectations or assumptions on them. This can also helpthe user to express their honest opinions and feelings about the application, without beinginfluenced by the researcher’s questions or suggestions. This can result in more authenticand unbiased feedback, and more reliable and valid insights3.Asking open-ended questions staying away from questions regarding feelings is not a goodway to avoid confirmation bias in user feedback sessions, because it can limit the depthand richness of the feedback, and miss the opportunity to understand the user’s emotionsand motivations. Open-ended questions are questions that allow the user to answer in theirown words, rather than choosing from a predefined set of options. Open-ended questionsare useful for eliciting more detailed and nuanced feedback, and for exploring the user’sthoughts and feelings about the application. However, asking open-ended questions aloneis not enough to prevent confirmation bias, as the researcher may still unconsciously framethe questions in a way that leads the user to confirm their hypotheses, or interpret theanswers in a way that supports their beliefs. Asking questions regarding feelings is alsoimportant, as itcan help the researcher to understand the user’s emotional response to theapplication, and how it affects their satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty4.Asking specific questions about known pain points to confirm your hypothesis is a bad wayto avoid confirmation bias in user feedback sessions, because it can introduce theresearcher’s bias into the feedback process, and influence the user’s perception andbehavior. Asking specific questions about known pain points can lead the researcher tofocus only on the information that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or dismiss theinformation that challenges or contradicts it. It can also lead the user to pay more attentionto the pain points that the researcher mentions, and overlook or downplay the otheraspects of the application. This can result in skewed and distorted feedback, andmisleading and invalid insights5. References: 1: Confirmation bias - Wikipedia 2: How Confirmation Bias can affect userresearch | by Caroline Galipeau | UX Collective 3: 11 Types of Cognitive Biases to Avoid inUser Research | Maze 4: How to Ask Good Questions in User Research | by Nick Babich |UX Planet 5: How to Avoid Confirmation Bias in User Research | by Sarah Doody | Medium
Question # 3
Cloud Kicks(CK) is incorporating Relationship Design principle into its business model and customer offerings wherever possible. Choose 3 answers
A. Prioritizing Innovation over copying the competition B. Releasing Salesforce updates in managed packages over unmanaged packages C. Reframing products in terms of user value over features and functions D. Prioritize engagement number of impressions E. Uncovering customer needs over broadcasting product benefits
Answer: A,C,E Explanation: Relationship Design is a creative practice that drives social and businessvalue by building strong relationships. It is based on four mindsets: compassion, intention,courage, and reciprocity. Cloud Kicks can incorporate Relationship Design principles intoits business model and customer offerings by adopting these mindsets and applying themto its products, services, and interactions. Some examples of how Cloud Kicks can do thisare:Prioritizing innovation over copying the competition. This shows that Cloud Kicks iscourageous and intentional in creating unique and valuable solutions that meet theneeds and expectations of its customers and communities. Cloud Kicks can usedesign thinking methods, such as empathy mapping, ideation, and prototyping, togenerate and test new ideas that solve real problems and create positive impact 1.Reframing products in terms of user value over features and functions. This showsthat Cloud Kicks is compassionate and reciprocal in understanding andcommunicating the benefits and outcomes that its products and services candeliver to its customers and stakeholders. Cloud Kicks can use value propositiondesign tools, such as the value proposition canvas, to identify and articulate thejobs, pains, and gains of its customers, and how its products and services canaddress them 2.Uncovering customer needs over broadcasting product benefits. This shows thatCloud Kicks is intentional and reciprocal in listening and learning from itscustomers and co-creating solutions with them. Cloud Kicks can use user researchmethods, such as interviews, surveys, and observations, to discover and validatethe needs, preferences, and behaviors of its customers, and to involve them in thedesign process 3.References: [Design Thinking] (,[Value Proposition Design] (,[User Research] (
Question # 4
Cloud Kicks has a content-rich set of record pages and wants its UX Design team to organize and consolidate them. Which Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) component should be used to organize and consolidate content?
A. Data Tables B. Modals C. Q Tabs
Answer: C Explanation: Q Tabs are a type of SLDS component that can be used to organize andconsolidate content on a record page. Q Tabs are a variant of the Tabs component that aredesigned for use in the Lightning App Builder. Q Tabs allow users to switch betweendifferent views of related information within the same context. Q Tabs can also be nested tocreate subtabs within a tab. Q Tabs can help UX designers to create content-rich recordpages that are easy to navigate and consume. Q Tabs can also help to reduce clutter andscrolling on a record page by grouping related content into tabs. Q Tabs can be customizedwith different icons, labels, and badges to indicate the type and status of the content ineach tab. Q Tabs can also be configured to load content dynamically or on demand, whichcan improve the performance and user experience of the record page. References: Q TabsComponent Blueprint | Lightning Design System, Tabs Component Blueprint | LightningDesign System, Tabs | Lightning Web Components Developer Guide | SalesforceDevelopers
Question # 5
Cloud Kicks (CK) allows its partners to manage leads and opportunities. CK's relationship manager has requested that partners are able to quickly browse and see their opportunities segmented by key attributes: If the opportunity is closing within 2 weeks If it is valued at more than $100,000 Which approach should be used in Experience Builder to enable this?
A. Create a custom Lightning Web Component using a data table for each key attribute. B. Allow each user to create a filter for each key attribute and link to the opportunities listview. C. Configure a pre-filtered opportunity list view for each key attribute with the partner group.
A UX Designer is considering the design of arecord creation screen for the custom object Appointment. Appointment records have to record types: Virtual and In-Person, Virtual appointments may have different virtual meeting software options, each with fields specific to it. Which two considerations should be made when creating this record using Dynamic Forms? Choose 2 answers
A. The use of tabs when creating the record is not allowed. B. The form will not be available on mobile devices. C. All software option sections of the form will always bevisible. D. Fields can be organized into sections.
Answer: A,D Explanation: Dynamic Forms is a feature that allows users to customize the form fields and sectionsdisplayed to users on a page layout. Dynamic Forms can be used to create user-centric,intuitive,and dynamic record creation screens for custom objects, such asAppointment. When creating a record using Dynamic Forms, the UX designer shouldconsider the following two aspects12:The use of tabs when creating the record is not allowed. Dynamic Forms does notsupport the use of tabs within the form, as tabs are not compatible with the recordcreation process. Tabs are only available for viewing or editing existing records,not for creating new ones. Therefore, the UX designer cannot use tabs to separatethe fields for different record types or software options on the record creationscreen.Fields can be organized into sections. Dynamic Forms allows the UX designer togroup fields into sections, and place them anywhere on the page layout. Sectionscan have labels, collapsible headers, and visibility rules. The UX designer can usesections to create a logical and clear structure for the form, and to show or hidefields based on user input, data, or profile. For example, the UX designer cancreate a section for each software option, and use visibility rules to display only therelevant section based on the user’s selection.The following two aspects are not true when creating a record using Dynamic Forms, andshould be disregarded:The form will not be available on mobile devices. Dynamic Forms is compatible with mobile devices, and the UX designer can preview and test the form ondifferent device sizes and orientations. The form will automatically adjust to thescreen size and layout of the mobile device, and provide a responsive andconsistent user experience3.All software option sections of the form will always be visible. Dynamic Formsallows the UX designer to use visibility rules to control the visibility of fields andsections on the form. Visibility rules can be based on user input, data, or profile.The UX designer can use visibility rules to show or hide software option sectionsbased on the user’s selection of the record type or the software option. This canreduce the clutter and complexity of the form, and provide a personalized andflexible user experience4. References: Get Started with Dynamic Forms Unit |Salesforce Trailhead, Salesforce Dynamic Forms: Overview & DeepDiveTutorial, Dynamic Forms and Actions FAQ | Salesforce Help, Create DynamicForms with Visibility Rules | Salesforce Trailhead
Question # 7
A UX Designer is working on a series of custom Salesforce components for a new website. In which way could the designer accelerate the visual design process?
A. Use separate stylesheets to make implementation easier. B. Build a custom layout in Salesforce and export the underlying code. C. A Leverage the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) using UI kits or plugins.
Answer: C Explanation: The Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) is a collection of designguidelines, components, and resources that enable developers and designers to buildconsistent, high-quality, and responsive user interfaces across the Salesforce platform. TheSLDS provides UI kits and plugins for popular design and prototyping tools, such asSketch, Adobe XD, and Figma, that allow designers to quickly create mockups andwireframes using the SLDS components and styles. By leveraging the SLDS, the designercan accelerate the visual design process and ensure alignment with the Salesforce brandand best practices. References:[Salesforce Lightning Design System][UI Kits and Plugins][UX Designer Certification Prep: Visual Design]
Question # 8
Cloud Kicks has identified a Trusted Advisor persona as their primary focus for the next iteration. Which key business process defining their work should be analyzed to make sure the delivered experience fits their needs?
A. Maintaining relationships with existing customers B. Managing sales pipeline and forecasting C. Customizing and administering Salesforce
Answer: A Explanation: According to the Salesforce Trailhead, the Trusted Advisor persona spends3+ hours a day maintaining relationships with existing customers. They upsell products,grow deals, and manage renewals. This persona also spends time prospecting for newopportunities in existing accounts and gathering requirements from prospects1Therefore, the key business process that defines their work and should be analyzed tomake sure the delivered experience fits their needs is maintaining relationships withexisting customers. This process involves understanding the customer’s needs, goals,expectations, and satisfaction, as well as providing them with relevant solutions, support,and value. The UX Designer should focus on creating a user interface that enables theTrusted Advisor to easily access and update customer information, communicate andcollaborate with customers, and track and measure customer loyalty and retention23Managing sales pipeline and forecasting: This is not the key business process thatdefines the work of the Trusted Advisor persona, but rather the Data Expertpersona. The Data Expert persona spends 3+ hours a day on reporting and salesforecasting. They also spend 1–3 hours managing the sales pipeline and tools forthe sales team1Customizing and administering Salesforce: This is not the key business processthat defines the work of the Trusted Advisor persona, but rather the Sales Leaderpersona. The Sales Leader persona spends most of their day managing, coaching,and training sales reps. They also spendtime managing tools and processes forsales reps, which includes customizing and administering Salesforce1References:Learn About Sales Cloud Personas Unit | Salesforce TrailheadHow to Increase Your Sales with Personas for Salesforce Users | RTS LabsHow to Use Journey Mapping to Improve Employee Engagement
Question # 9
What are three benefits of asking the user to think aloud during a user task? Choose 3 answers
A. No special equipment needed B. Natural process C. Unblasedbehavior D. Flexibility E. Raw stream of thought
Answer: A,D,E Explanation:Asking the user to think aloud during a user task has the following benefits12:A. No special equipment needed. Thinking aloud is a simple and low-cost methodthat does not require any special equipment or software. The user only needs amicrophone or a phone to record their voice, and the tester only needs a way tolisten and observe the user’s actions.D. Flexibility. Thinking aloud is a flexible method that can be applied to varioustypes of tasks, products, and platforms. It can also be conducted remotely or inperson,synchronously or asynchronously, moderated or unmoderated, dependingon the needs and preferences of the tester and the user.E. Raw stream of thought. Thinking aloud provides a raw and rich stream of datathat reveals the user’s thoughts, feelings, expectations, assumptions, motivations,and frustrations as they interact with the product. It can help the tester tounderstand the user’s mental model, decision-making process, and satisfactionlevel.References: Thinking Aloud: The #1 Usability Tool, Thinking Aloud: What is it and for whichdigital product is it worthwhile?
Question # 10
What are three benefits of asking the user to think aloud during a user task? Choose 3 answers
A. No special equipment needed B. Natural process C. Unblasedbehavior D. Flexibility E. Raw stream of thought
Answer: A,D,E Explanation:Asking the user to think aloud during a user task has the following benefits12:A. No special equipment needed. Thinking aloud is a simple and low-cost methodthat does not require any special equipment or software. The user only needs amicrophone or a phone to record their voice, and the tester only needs a way tolisten and observe the user’s actions.D. Flexibility. Thinking aloud is a flexible method that can be applied to varioustypes of tasks, products, and platforms. It can also be conducted remotely or inperson,synchronously or asynchronously, moderated or unmoderated, dependingon the needs and preferences of the tester and the user.E. Raw stream of thought. Thinking aloud provides a raw and rich stream of datathat reveals the user’s thoughts, feelings, expectations, assumptions, motivations,and frustrations as they interact with the product. It can help the tester tounderstand the user’s mental model, decision-making process, and satisfactionlevel.References: Thinking Aloud: The #1 Usability Tool, Thinking Aloud: What is it and for whichdigital product is it worthwhile?
Question # 11
Which elements of visual design should be used to better translate style and branding guidelines?
A. Typography, Color, Imagery B. Wireframes, Personas, Blueprints C. Sketching, Wireframes, Storyboards
Answer: A Explanation: In visual design, especially within the context of translating style andbranding guidelines, certain elements play crucial roles in ensuring that the designeffectively communicates the intended brand identity and aesthetic. These elementsinclude:Typography:The choice of fonts and how text is styled and arranged cansignificantly impact the brand's voice and how content is perceived by theaudience. Typography can convey feelings, create hierarchy, and guide the user'sattention through the design.Color:Color schemes are fundamental in visual design as they can evokeemotions, communicate brand values, and improve the user's experience bycreating visual interest and guiding focus.Imagery:The use of images, icons, illustrations, and other visual media must alignwith the brand's style and values. Imagery can help tell a brand's story, conveycomplex information quickly, and connect with users on an emotional level.Options B and C, such as Wireframes, Personas, Blueprints, Sketching, and Storyboards, are crucial in the early stages of the design process for conceptualization and planning butdo not directly translate style and branding guidelines in the same way that typography,color, and imagery do.
Question # 12
A company provides away for customers to shop for homes and contact real estate agents online. The company’s brokers use some of the Salesforce standard functionality to track home buyers. Which three standard Salesforce objects should be used in this experience? Choose 3 answers
A. Property B. Lead C. Contact D. Opportunity E. Address
Answer: B,C,D Explanation: The three standard Salesforce objects that should be used in this experienceare:Lead: A lead is a person who has shown interest in the company’s products orservices, but has not yet been qualified as a potential customer. Leads can becaptured from various sources, such as web forms, referrals, events, or marketingcampaigns. Leads can store information such as name, email, phone, company,and status. Leads can be converted into accounts, contacts, and opportunities when they are ready to buy.Contact: A contact is a person who is associated with an account and has a role ina sales process. Contacts can store information such as name, email, phone, title,and address. Contacts can be related to multiple accounts, opportunities, cases,activities, and other objects. Contacts can be used to track the communication andinteraction history with the customers.Opportunity: An opportunity is a sales deal that is in progress or has been closed.Opportunities can store information such as name, amount, stage, probability,close date, and owner. Opportunities can be linked to accounts, contacts,products, price books, quotes, contracts, and other objects. Opportunities can beused to forecast revenue, manage sales pipeline, and track sales performance.References:Standard ObjectsLeads and OpportunitiesContacts
Question # 13
A UX Designer is tasked with ensuring Lightning App Builder apps are mobile-friendly, including interactive elements. What should be the minimum touch screen target size for interactive elements on mobile devices?
A. 24 pixels wide x 24 pixels tall B. 44 pixels wide x 44 pixels tall C. 64 pixels wide x 64 pixels tall
Answer: B Explanation: According to the Salesforce Lightning Design System, the minimum touchscreen target size for interactive elements on mobile devices is 44 pixels wide x 44 pixelstall. This size ensures that users can easily tap the elements without accidentally hitting thewrong ones or missing them entirely. The touch target size also takes into account theaverage finger size and the device resolution. Smaller touch targets may cause frustrationand errors for users, especially those with low vision, motor impairments, or largefingers. References: : Salesforce Lightning Design System - Sizing : Salesforce LightningDesign System - Accessibility
Question # 14
A UX Designer is customizing the look and feel of a site using Experience Builder and needs to choose a color for the text and the background of the buttons. Which accessibility guideline should be considered?
A. Adaptable B. Distinguishable C. Navigable
Answer: B Explanation: The accessibility guideline of distinguishable means that the information anduser interface components must be presented to users in ways that are perceptible. Thisincludes using sufficient contrast between text and background colors, providing textalternatives for non-text content, and making it easier for users to see and hear content.When choosing a color for the text and the background of the buttons, the UX Designershould consider the contrast ratio between them, which should be at least 4.5:1 for normaltext and 3:1 for large text. This will ensure that the buttons are visible and readable forusers with different visual abilities. References:[1]: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Principle 1: Perceivable[2]: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Success Criterion 1.4.3Contrast (Minimum)
Question # 15
A UX Designer is limited to one standard Order record page layout in Sales Cloud. It is shared between internal and external users. Which page layout feature should be used to control the visibility between users?
A. Audience Targeting B. Field-Level Security C. Dynamic Forms
Answer: A Explanation: Audience targeting is a page layout feature that allows admins to create different versions of a Lightning page for different audiences, such as user profiles, roles,or permissions. Audience targeting can be used to control the visibility of the entire page orspecific components on the page, such as tabs, fields, or sections. Audience targeting canhelp create personalized and relevant experiences for different types of users, and reducethe need for multiple page layouts1.Audience targeting is the most suitable feature for the UX Designer to use in this case,because it can help them customize the Order record page layout for internal and externalusers, without creating separate page layouts. For example, the UX Designer can useaudience targeting to show or hide certain fields, sections, or tabs based on the user’sprofile or permission set. This way, the UX Designer can ensure that each user sees onlythe information that is relevant and appropriate for them.Field-level security is a feature that allows admins to restrict the access and editability offields for different users, based on their profiles or permission sets. Field-level security canhelp protect sensitive or confidential data, and enforce data quality and integrity. However,field-level security does not affect the visibility of fields on the page layout, only the accessand editability. Field-level security also does not apply to other components on the page,such as tabs or sections2.Dynamic forms is a feature that allows admins to add, group, and reorder fields andsections on a Lightning page using the Lightning App Builder. Dynamic forms can helpcreate flexible and dynamic page layouts that can adapt to different contexts andscenarios. Dynamic forms also support visibility rules, which can be used to show or hidefields or sections based on filters or conditions. However, dynamic forms are not available for all standard objects, and they do not support audience targeting. Dynamic forms also donot affect the visibility of other components on the page, such as tabs34.References: 1: Audience Targeting for Lightning Pages 2: Field-Level Security | SalesforceSecurity Guide - Salesforce Developers 3: Dynamic Forms Tips and Considerations -Salesforce 4: Salesforce Dynamic Forms: Overview & Deep Dive Tutorial
Question # 16
Cloud Kicks' digital support representatives have different needs and requirements for Knowledge articles than customers. Customers need to see: • Some Knowledge articles, not all • Articles organized in different categories • Different fields than support representatives Which consideration should be made when determining how to present Knowledge articles to each audience?
A. Separate articles should be written for each audience, with only relevant information. B. Page layouts or permissions can display only the fields needed for each audience. C. Topics within a customer site must be organized the same as internal data categories.
Answer: B Explanation: The best way to present Knowledge articles to different audiences is to usepage layouts or permissions to display only the fields needed for each audience. This way,the same article can be reused for both internal and external users, but with different levelsof detail and visibility. Page layouts can control which fields are shown on the article detailpage, and permissions can control which fields are searchable and editable. This is moreefficient and consistent than writing separate articles for each audience, which wouldrequire more maintenance and duplication. Topics and data categories are different waysof organizing articles, but they do not affect the fields that are displayed. Topics are used for external sites, such as communities or portals, and data categories are used for internalsites, such as the Salesforce app. They can be mapped to each other, but they do not haveto be organized the same way. References:5 Best Practices for Salesforce KnowledgeThe Ultimate Guide to Salesforce KnowledgeHow to Write a Good Knowledge Base ArticlePrepare Your Salesforce Knowledge Base
Question # 17
A UX Designeris analyzing their Experience Cloud site, enabled for Knowledge articles, and is using the Featured Topic component to display content. Which UI configuration should be used to further individualize each featured topic?
A. Add a description displayed onmouse hover further description each topic. B. Select and upload SVG Icons that represent each featured topic. C. Select and upload images that represent each featured topic. D. Add a description under the topic label further describing each topic.
Answer: C Explanation: The UI configuration that should be used to further individualize eachfeatured topic is to select and upload images that represent each featured topic. Thisoption allows the UX Designer to customize the appearance of the Featured Topiccomponent and make it more visually appealing and engaging for the users. The imagescan help to convey the meaning and relevance of each topic and attract the users’attention. The images can also create a consistent and branded look for the ExperienceCloud site.References:: Featured Topic Component: Customize the Featured Topic Component This allows users to easily distinguish between different topics and quickly scan for relevanttopics. Salesforce documentation on the Featured Topics component states that “You canadd a description for each featured topic, which appears in the user interface below thetopic label” [1].[1]
Question # 18
Cloud Kicks wants its Salesforce app to represent company branding and comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. What should they consider about themes and branding?
A. Salesforce automatically updates the selected brand color to make it accessible; thisshould overridden to select the colors manually. B. There is a default WCAG complaint Salesforce color theme; only brand color can beupdated. C. The color palette is auto-generated based on the brand color to be WCAG compliant.
Answer: C Explanation: Themes and branding allow Salesforce app developers to customize the lookand feel of their apps to match their company’s branding and accessibility standards. Oneof the features of themes and branding is the ability to select a brand color, which is theprimary color used for buttons, links, and highlights. Salesforce automatically generates acolor palette based on the brand color, which includes accessible colors that meet theWCAG 2.1 contrast ratio guidelines. This ensures that the app is visually appealing andaccessible to users with different color vision abilities. Developers can also customize otheraspects of the theme, such as the logo, page background, and default font. References:[Themes and Branding Basics], [Accessibility in Salesforce]
Question # 19
A UX Designer wants to inform user stories based on user value and development effort. Which method should be used?
A. Card Sorting B. Prioritization Matrix C. Customer Journey Map
Answer: B Explanation: A prioritization matrix is a method that helps UX designers to inform userstories based on user value and development effort. A prioritization matrix is a table thatcompares different user stories or features based on two criteria: user value anddevelopment effort. User value is the benefit or satisfaction that the user will get from usingthe feature. Development effort is the time, cost, and complexity involved in building thefeature. By plotting user stories or features on a prioritization matrix, UX designers canidentify which ones are high-value and low-effort, which ones are high-value and higheffort,which ones are low-value and low-effort, and which ones are low-value and higheffort.This helps UX designers to prioritize the user stories or features that will deliver themost value to the user with the least amount of effort, and to deprioritize or eliminate theones that will deliver the least value to the user with the most amount of effort. Aprioritization matrix can also help UX designers to communicate and align withstakeholders and developers on the scope and feasibility of theproject. References: Prioritize User Stories and Features Unit | Salesforce Trailhead, Howto Prioritize User Stories (and Build the Right Features), Salesforce User Experience (UX)Designer Certification Guide & Tips
Question # 20
It is recommended to carefully consider which demographic data and for what purpose is fed into an AI model. Which reason explains this?
A. To avoid societal bias B. To avoid unconscious confirmation bias C. To avoid interaction bias
Answer: A Explanation: Demographic data is data that describes the characteristics of a populationor a group of people, such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, income, education, oroccupation. Demographic data can lead to bias if it is used to discriminate or treat people differently based on their identity or attributes. Demographic data can also reflect existingbiases or stereotypes in society or culture, which can affect the fairness and ethics of AIsystems. Societal bias is the bias that results from the social norms, values, andexpectations of a society or a culture. Societal bias can influence how people perceive,judge, and behave toward others, especially those who are different from them. Societalbias can also be embedded in the data that is used to train or validate AI models, whichcan then propagate or amplify the bias in the AI outputs or decisions. Therefore, it isrecommended to carefully consider which demographic data and for what purpose is fedinto an AI model, to avoid societal bias and its negativeconsequences. References: Salesforce AI Associate: How to Avoid Bias from DemographicData in AI Models, Recognize Bias in Artificial Intelligence Unit | SalesforceTrailhead, Designing Personalized User Experiences with Data AI | Salesforce
Question # 21
Cloud Kicks wants to create a new service experience, increasing user satisfaction for internal and external users Both a customer community and a service console win be created. Which tool should a UX Designer use to document user goals, common tasks, and pain points?
A. Storyboards B. Wireframes C. User Personas D. User Journeys
Answer: C Explanation:To document user goals, common tasks, and pain points for a new service experience, thetool that a UX Designer should use is user personas. User personas are fictionalrepresentations of the target users, based on real data and research. User personas helpthe designer to understand the needs, motivations, behaviors, and expectations of theusers, as well as their challenges and frustrations. User personas can also help thedesigner to prioritize features, create scenarios, and design solutions that are relevant andmeaningful for the users. References: : UX Designer Certification Prep: Designing for UserResearch | Trailhead : User Personas | Salesforce Developer Guide
Question # 22
A UX Designer is asked to build a solution in Salesforce to accommodate a call center's process and make it easier for them to log complaints. How should the designer illustrate the existing process, including the pain points and opportunities?
A. Observe the complaints process and create a business process diagram. B. Observe the complaints process and create a journey map. C. Observe the complaints process and create a prototype.
Answer: B Explanation: The best way for the designer to illustrate the existing process, including thepain points and opportunities, is to observe the complaints process and create a journeymap. A journey map is a visual representation of the customer’s or user’s experience with aproduct or service, from their perspective. It shows the steps, interactions, thoughts,feelings, touchpoints, context, and opportunities for improvement along the way. A journeymap can help the designer to understand the current state of the complaints process,identify the pain points and gaps, and prioritize the areas for intervention. A journey mapcan also help to communicate the user’s needs and expectations to the stakeholders anddevelopers, and align them on a common vision for the solution. References:: Start Your Journey Map Unit | Salesforce Trailhead: Add Journey Mapping to Your Solution Toolbox Unit | Salesforce Trailhead: Customer Journey Mapping Resources - Salesforce
Question # 23
A UX Design team is doing a review of a new Lightning Web Component (IWC). They are following the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) block, element, modifier (BEM) naming conventions. Which class does NOT follow this convention?
A. .slds-avatar_circle B. .slds-box C. .slds--size-l-of-2
Answer: C Explanation: The SLDS BEM naming convention consists of three parts: block, element,and modifier. A block is a standalone component that can be reused across projects, suchas a button, a card, or a modal. An element is a part of a block that has no standalonemeaning, such as a label, an icon, or a header. A modifier is a flag that changes theappearance or behavior of a block or an element, such as size, color, or state. The modifieris separated from the block or element by two hyphens (–), and can have a valueseparated by a single hyphen (-), such as .slds-button–brand or .slds-button–neutral. Theclass .slds–size-l-of-2 does not follow this convention because it has no block or elementname before the modifier. It should be something like .slds-grid–size-l-of-2 or .sldscol–size-l-of-2. References:[1]: Salesforce Lightning Design System - Introduction[2]: Salesforce Lightning Design System - Naming Con
Question # 24
Cloud Kicks is considering whether it should implement the Standard Salesforce Navigation or use the Console for its Sales team. What is one requirement that could lead to recommending the Console?
A. Need for viewing multiple list views at the same time B. Ability to toggle between multiple records C. Work that is mostly in the field
Answer: B Explanation: The Console is a tab-based workspace that allows users to access multiplerecords and related information on a single screen. This can help users who need to switchbetween different records quickly and easily, without losing context or wasting time. Forexample, a salesperson who needs to compare different opportunities, check accountdetails, or update contact information can benefit from using the Console. The StandardSalesforce Navigation, on the other hand, only allows users to open one record at a time,which can be limiting for some use cases. References: : Salesforce Console : Explore theService Console
Question # 25
Cloud kicks wants to hire a deal closer. Which three activities wouldsomeone in this role do each day? Choose 3 answers
A. Update existing prospect and customer records. B. Log activities such as calls, emails, and notes. C. Review and work through their list of leads or opportunities. D. Create cases from issues. E. Customize and administer Salesforce.
Answer: A,B,C Explanation: A deal closer is someone who is responsible for closing sales deals withprospects and customers. They need to update existing prospect and customer records tokeep track of their interactions and status. They also need to log activities such as calls,emails, and notes to document their communication and follow-ups. They also need toreview and work through their list of leads or opportunities to prioritize their tasks andidentify the best prospects to focus on. These activities are essential for a deal closer tomanage their pipeline and achieve their sales goals. Creating cases from issues andcustomizing and administering Salesforce are not activities that a deal closer would doeach day. These are more likely to be done by a customer service agent or a Salesforceadministrator, respectively. References: [Salesforce Certified User Experience DesignerExam Guide], [UX Designer Certification Prep: User Research], [UX Designer CertificationPrep: User Roles and Personas]
Question # 26
Cloud Kicks' development team is working on the build of a new custom component using VS Code. They often have new CSS classes and properties conflicting with the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS), What should simplify working with SLDS in Lightning Components?
A. Install SLDS creator from AppExchange B. Install SLDS Validator extension for VS Code C. Install Lightning Design System Plugin for Sketch
Answer: B Explanation: The best option to simplify working with SLDS in Lightning Components is toinstall SLDS Validator extension for VS Code. This extension (salesforcedx-vscode-slds)scans the markup of the components, validates it against the SLDS documentation, andprovides suggestions on how to improve the code1. It also offers syntax highlighting, codecompletion, and context awareness for SLDS tokens and utility classes1. By using thisextension, the development team can avoid CSS conflicts, follow SLDS best practices, andcreate consistent and accessible components2.Installing SLDS creator from AppExchange is not a valid option, as there is no such appavailable on the AppExchange. The AppExchange is a marketplace for Salesforce apps,components, and consulting services, not for VS Code extensions3.Installing Lightning Design System Plugin for Sketch is also not a valid option, as it is notrelated to VS Code or Lightning Components. Sketch is a design tool that allows users tocreate wireframes, mockups, and prototypes4. The Lightning Design System Plugin forSketch is a plugin that provides SLDS components, icons, and styles for Sketch users. Itcan help designers to create consistent and compatible designs, but it cannot helpdevelopers to work with SLDS in VS Code.References:SLDS Validator - Visual Studio Marketplace SLDS Validator for VS Code - Lightning Design SystemAppExchange: Salesforce’s Leading Enterprise Cloud MarketplaceSketch — The digital design toolkit[Lightning Design System Plugin for Sketch]
Question # 27
A UX Designer interviews a user who spends most of their time moderating forums, enforcing community standards, and providing member support. Which Salesforce persona does this user align with?
A. Site Admin B. Community Manager C. Support Manager
Answer: B Explanation: A Community Manager is a Salesforce persona who is responsible forcreating, managing, and moderating online communities that connect customers, partners,and employees. They spend most of their time engaging with community members,enforcing community standards, and providing member support. A Community Manageraligns with the user who performs similar tasks in moderating forums. References: :Salesforce Personas : Community Manager Roles and Responsibilities
Question # 28
Which feature is provided in the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) for designers and developers?
A. A library of Lightning Web Components B. Semantic and accessible component markup C. ES6 JavaScript modules and plugins
Answer: B Explanation:The Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) is a CSS framework that helps designersand developers create applications with the look and feel of Lightning Experience. SLDSprovides a library of design tokens, icons, components, utilities, and patterns that can beused to build consistent, responsive, and accessible user interfaces1. One of the featuresthat SLDS provides for designers and developers is semantic and accessible componentmarkup. Semantic markup means using HTML elements that describe the meaning andstructure of the content, rather than just the presentation. For example, using <h1> for amain heading, <p> for a paragraph, or <button> for a button. Semantic markup helps toimprove the readability, maintainability, and SEO of the code2. Accessible markup meansusing HTML attributes and techniques that enhance the usability and accessibility of thecontent for people with disabilities. For example, using aria-label to provide a descriptivelabel for an element, role to indicate the function of an element, or tabindex to control thekeyboard focus order. Accessible markup helps to ensure that the content can beperceived, understood, operated, and interacted with by people using assistivetechnologies, such as screen readers, keyboards, or voice commands3. SLDS provides semantic and accessible markup for its components, which are reusable UI elements thatcan be customized and composed to create complex interfaces. SLDS components followthe Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which are the international standardsfor web accessibility4. SLDS components also use the BEM (Block Element Modifier)naming convention, which is a methodology for creating clear and consistent class namesfor CSS selectors5. By using SLDS components, designers and developers can createuser interfaces that are not only visually appealing, but also meaningful and accessible foreveryone. References: Introduction to the Salesforce Lightning Design System, SemanticHTML: How to Structure Web Pages, Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAIARIA),Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview, BEM — Block ElementModifier
Question # 29
A UX Designer wants to customize the end user's Salesforce app experience. Which administrative capability should be used for mobile navigation menu setup?
A. Menu tabs can be based on different user types. B. Menu tabs visibility is based on user location. C. Menu tabs can be Visualforce and Lightning pages.
Answer: C Explanation: One of the administrative capabilities that can be used for mobile navigationmenu setup is to include Visualforce and Lightning pages as menu tabs. Visualforce andLightning pages are custom pages that can display data, logic, and interface elements inthe Salesforce mobile app. To include Visualforce and Lightning pages as menu tabs, theUX Designer needs to create tabs for those items first, and then add them to the navigationmenu of the Mobile Only app or the Lightning app12Menu tabs can be based on different user types: This is not an administrativecapability that can be used for mobile navigation menu setup, but rather a featureof the Lightning app navigation method. The Lightning app navigation methodallows the UX Designer to create different Lightning apps for different user types,and assign them to different user profiles. Each Lightning app can have its ownnavigation menu and navigation bar, which can be customized with the items thatare relevant for each user type34Menu tabs visibility is based on user location: This is not an administrativecapability that can be used for mobile navigation menu setup, but rather a featureof the geolocation field type. The geolocation field type allows the UX Designer tostore the latitude and longitude coordinates of a record, and use them for variouspurposes, such as displaying maps, calculating distances, or filtering reports. Thegeolocation field type does not affect the visibility of the menu tabs in theSalesforce mobile app.References: Customize the Mobile Only Navigation Menu in the Salesforce Mobile AppCustomize a Lightning App Navigation Menu in the Salesforce Mobile AppCreate a Lightning App Unit | Salesforce TrailheadAssign a Lightning App to a User Profile Unit | Salesforce Trailhead[Geolocation Custom Field Type - Salesforce Help][Use Geolocation Fields in Formulas - Salesforce Help]
Question # 30
A developer is creating a Lightning Web Component (LWC) and wants to make sure the visual experience is consistent with Cloud Kicks’ branding. The developer asks their UX Designer about the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) stylinghooks. How should the designer describe them?
A. They use standard CSS properties to directly style HTML elements. B. They use standard CSS properties to easily style base and custom components. C. They use custom CSS properties to directly style HTML elements. D. They use custom CSS properties to easily style base and custom components.
Answer: D Explanation: Styling hooks are CSS custom properties that allow developers to customizethe appearance of base and custom components in a consistent and supported way. Theywork with web components and shadow DOM, which provide encapsulation and modularityfor LWC. Styling hooks use the --slds namespace and follow a naming convention thatreflects the component, category, property, attribute, and state of the element being styled.For example, --slds-c-button-brand-color-background-hover is a styling hook for the buttoncomponent, brand category, color background property, and hover state. Styling hooks canbe declared in the CSS file of the LWC or in a global CSS file that affects all componentson the page. Styling hooks are not standard CSS properties, but custom ones that aredefined by SLDS and applied to the components using the var() function. References:Styling Hooks - Lightning Design SystemSLDS Styling Hooks | Lightning Web Components Developer Guide | SalesforceDevelopers–dxp Styling Hooks | LWR Sites for Experience Cloud | Salesforce Developers The Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) styling hooks use standard CSSproperties to easily style base and custom components. Salesforce documentation statesthat “SLDS styling hooks are CSS classes that give you access to the same styling used inthe Salesforce Lightning Design System. They make it easy to style base and customcomponents with the same look and feel” [1].[1]
Question # 31
Cloud Kicks (CK) has made a commitment to incorporating human-centered design and is now collaborating with its Sales team to redesign some of its key sales processes in Salesforce. Which conceptual approach would describe CK's new design solutions?
A. V2MOM B. Agile C. Desirable, Feasible, Viable
Answer: C Explanation: Cloud Kicks’ new design solutions would be described by the conceptualapproach of desirable, feasible, and viable. This approach is based on the human-centereddesign (HCD) methodology, which aims to create solutions that meet the needs,preferences, and expectations of the users or customers, while also being technicallypossible and economically sustainable. HCD is a creative problem-solving process thatstarts with identifying the user’s problems and ends with creating solutions that addressthem. The desirable, feasible, and viable framework helps designers evaluate theirsolutions according to these three criteria:Desirable: A solution that people want or need, that solves a real problem forthem, and that provides a meaningful and relevant experience. Feasible: A solution that can be created with new or existing technology, that is within the scope and capabilities of the organization, and that can be tested andvalidated.Viable: A solution that fits the organization’s business model, that generates valuefor the stakeholders, and that is sustainable in the long term.By applying this framework, Cloud Kicks can ensure that its new design solutions for itssales processes in Salesforce are not only user-friendly, but also technically sound andprofitable. This can help Cloud Kicks achieve its business goals, while also delivering moresatisfying and delightful customer experiences.References:Explore Human-Centered DesignIDEO’s Desirability, Viability, Feasibility Framework: A Practical Guide
Question # 32
A UX Designer has been tasked with designing a custom Lightning Web Component (LWC) that uses the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS). Where on the SLDS website should the designer find accessible HTML and CSS used to create components along with implementation guidelines?
A. Component Blueprints B. Design Tokens C. Development Tools
During discovery, a UX Designer finds that most sellers like the idea of using the utility bar for easy access and productivity. Which three standarduse cases could be recommended for using the utility bar to enhance the user experience? Choose 3 answers
A. Quick access to Lightning Dialer B. Perform common tasks without navigating away from page C. Access to view a list of records favorited for quickaccess D. Access to a consistent custom help menu across the org for all users E. Access at any time to a customized set of items specific to an app
Answer: B,C,E Explanation: The utility bar is a fixed footer that gives users quick access to productivitytools, such as notes, history, and recent items. It can be customized for each Lightning appto enhance the user experience and efficiency. Some of the standard use cases for usingthe utility bar are:Perform common tasks without navigating away from the page: Users can use theutility bar to perform tasks such as creating notes, logging calls, or sending emailswithout leaving their current context. This reduces the need for switching tabs oropening new windows, and saves time and clicks.Access to view a list of records favorited for quick access: Users can use the utilitybar to access their favorites, which are records, lists, groups, or other items thatthey have marked with a star icon for easy access. This allows users to quicklynavigate to the items they use most frequently, and organize them in apersonalized way.Access at any time to a customized set of items specific to an app: Users can usethe utility bar to access items that are relevant and useful for the app they areusing. For example, in the Sales app, users can access the Lightning Dialer, theAssistant, or the Today’s Events utility. In the Service app, users can access theOmni-Channel, the Macros, or the Case Timer utility. The utility bar can beconfigured to show different items for different apps, depending on the user’sneeds and preferences.References:: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 5: Design User Interfaces: Lightning App Builder: Utility Bar
Question # 34
Sales managers want their team members to help each other close Opportunities. The Opportunity and Account organization-wide defaults are private. To grant Opportunity access tosales reps on the same team, owner ship-based sharing rules were created for each team. What is the side effect of this approach?
A. All sales reps will have Read access to Accounts for all Opportunities. B. Sales Reps on the same team will have Edit access to the Accounts for Opportunitiesowned by then team members. C. Sales reps on the same team will have Read access to the Accounts for Opportunitiesowned by their team members. D. All sales reps will have Read access to all Accounts.
Answer: C Explanation: When the organization-wide default for Accounts is private, users can only access theaccounts they own or are explicitly shared with them. However, when the organization-widedefault for Opportunities is private, users can access the opportunities they own, areexplicitly shared with them, or are associated with accounts they can access1. Therefore,when ownership-based sharing rules are created for each team to grant access toopportunities owned by their team members, the sales reps on the same team will alsohave Read access to the accounts for those opportunities. This is because the sharingrules for opportunities automatically grant access to the parent accounts2. However, thesales reps will not have Edit access to the accounts, unless the sharing rules specify FullAccess for the opportunities3. The sales reps will also not have access to all accounts or allopportunities, only those that are owned by their team members orthemselves. References: Sharing Records Owned by High-Volume Portal Users |Salesforce Security Guide, Sharing Rules | Salesforce Security Guide, Create Owner-Based Sharing Rules | Salesforce Security Guide
Question # 35
A UX Designer atCloud Kicks is having difficulty getting its developers to see why the design changes would improve the user experience. How should the designer help mitigate pushback from developers?
A. Invite them to user testing. B. Ask a manager or superior to doit. C. Let them know the designer is the expert. D. Hand them a printout of the design
Answer: A Explanation:Inviting developers to user testing is a good way to help them see the value of the designchanges and understand the user needs and pain points. User testing is a method ofevaluating a product or service by observing how real users interact with it and collectingfeedback. By witnessing the user testing sessions, developers can see how the designchanges improve the user experience, such as increasing usability, satisfaction,engagement, or conversion. User testing can also help developers empathize with theusers and collaborate better with the designer. References: [User Testing]
Question # 36
A UX Designerhas created a new form for a call center that takes special delivery information from its customers. The designer wants to ensure the call center staff finds the form easy and intuitive to use. Which kind of testing should be conducted to validate this?
A. Usability Testing B. Survery C. Focus Groups D. Qualitative
Answer: A Explanation: Usability testing is a type of testing that evaluates how easy and intuitive aproduct or service is to use by observing real users performing specific tasks. Usabilitytesting can help the UX Designer to measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfactionof the new form for the call center staff. Usability testing can also help to identify anyusability issues or areas for improvement in the form design. Usability testing can beconducted in various ways, such as moderated or unmoderated, remote or in-person,qualitative or quantitative, or using various tools and methods12. References:Usability TestingUsability Testing Methods
Question # 37
Cloud Kicks (CK) has finished conducting research and has synthesized the findings. CK nowplans to collaboratively redesign services with stakeholders to address issues uncovered in the study. Which process should be used?
A. Service-Blueprinting Workshop B. Management Committee Meeting C. Pitch Session D. Service Usability Testing
Answer: A Explanation:A service-blueprinting workshop is a process that involves mapping out the flow of aservice, identifying the touchpoints, actors, processes, and systems that are involved, andhighlighting the pain points and opportunities for improvement. A service-blueprintingworkshop is a collaborative and creative way to redesign services with stakeholders, as itallows them to see the big picture, empathize with the users, and co-create solutions. Aservice-blueprinting workshop is suitable for Cloud Kicks (CK) after they have finishedconducting research and synthesizing the findings, as it will help them address the issuesuncovered in the study and design better service experiences for theircustomers. References: Service Design Service Blueprints, How to create a serviceblueprinting facilitation guide, Workshop exercise: Service Blueprint
Question # 38
Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to determine whether or not the Experience Cloud site it is launching is intuitive. CK’s UX Designer is going to conduct a usability study. What shouldbe one of the first steps when planning this study?
A. Define the goals of the study. B. Design changes to the site. C. Design the information architecture. D. Analyze the results of the study.
Answer: A Explanation: A usability study is a method of evaluating how easy and intuitive a productor service is to use by observing real users performing specific tasks. It can help identifyusability issues, user needs, and user satisfaction. One of the first steps when planning ausability study is to define the goals of the study, which are the questions that the UXdesigner wants to answer or the hypotheses that they want to test. The goals of the studywill guide the selection of the participants, the tasks, the metrics, and the methods of thestudy. For example, if the goal of the study is to find out how users navigate the ExperienceCloud site, the UX designer might choose to use a task-based usability test with eyetrackingand think-aloud techniques. References:: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 4: Analyze User ResearchData: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 6: Validate User Interfaces
Question # 39
Cloud Kicks wants to implement its company colors in all UIcomponents, like buttons and icons, using a custom themes. How does the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) ensure the UI components align with the theme?
A. Design tokens prefixed with "brand" B. JS libraries loaded from a static resource C. CSS Hexcolors D. Builder panels
Answer: A Explanation:The Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) is a set of design guidelines andresources for creating consistent and beautiful user experiences on the Salesforceplatform. It provides UI components, icons, fonts, colors, and more that follow the bestpractices and accessibility standards of Salesforce. One of the features of SLDS is theability to create custom themes that reflect the brand identity and personality of a companyor an app. Custom themes can be implemented using design tokens, which are variablesthat store the values of the UI elements, such as colors, sizes, spacing, fonts, etc. Designtokens can be overridden or customized to change the appearance of the UI componentswithout modifying the CSS or HTML code. To implement the company colors in all UIcomponents, such as buttons and icons, using a custom theme, the UX designer shoulduse the design tokens prefixed with “brand”, such as $brand-primary, $brandsecondary,$brand-accessible, etc. These design tokens control the color scheme of the UIcomponents and can be assigned the values of the company colors. For example, tochange the color of the primary button to the company’s blue color, the UX designer canuse the following design token:$brand-primary: #0070d2;References:: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 7: Implement UserInterfaces: Salesforce Lightning Design System: Customization: Salesforce Lightning Design System: Design Tokens
Question # 40
Which goal would be important in undertaking a Consequence Scanning exercise before launching a new product?
A. Reframe the product objectives from multiple, diverse perspectives. B. Encourage team well-being through collaboration. C. Identify the best angle for positive launch press coverage.
Answer: A Explanation: Consequence scanning is a practice that helps teams to consider thepotential consequences of their product or service on people, communities, and theplanet1. It is an agile tool that fits within an iterative development cycle and allows teams toidentify and mitigate risks, as well as focus on positive outcomes2. One of the goals ofconsequence scanning is to reframe the product objectives from multiple, diverseperspectives. This means that the team can explore how different stakeholders, such asusers, organisations, or society, might be affected by the product or service, bothintentionally and unintentionally2. By doing so, the team can ensure that the product orservice aligns with their values and culture, and that they are aware of the trade-offs andimplications of their decisions2. Reframing the product objectives from multiple, diverseperspectives can also help the team to discover new opportunities, generate innovativesolutions, and increase user satisfaction and trust3.Encouraging team well-being through collaboration and identifying the best angle forpositive launch press coverage are not the primary goals of consequence scanning,although they might be beneficial side effects. Consequence scanning is not a PR exercise,but a way to ensure responsible innovation and ethical design2. While consequencescanning can foster team collaboration and communication, it is not a team-buildingactivity, but a way to share knowledge and expertise and raise concerns in a dedicatedformat2. References:Consequence scanning: How to mitigate risks in your serviceConsequence Scanning – an agile practice for responsible innovatorsWhat is consequence scanning?
Question # 41
Cloud Kicks (CK) is implementing its brand style guide using out-of-the box Experience Builder features. CK wants to avoid custom solutions. Which declarative option could be used?
A. A Apply brand fonts and colors. B. Use a different template. C. Update global CSS.
Answer: A Explanation: To implement a brand style guide using out-of-the box Experience Builderfeatures, the best option is to apply brand fonts and colors. This can be done by usingthemes and branding sets in Experience Builder. Themes are collections of information thatdefine the visual flow of a site, such as colors, fonts, and spacing. Branding sets are groupsof assets that can be applied to a theme, such as logos, images, and icons. By usingthemes and branding sets, CK can customize the look and feel of their site without codingor using a different template. References: Add Style to Your Experience Builder Site withThemes, Use Branding Sets in Experience Builder
Question # 42
Cloud Kicks (CK) wants gamified learning content for its internal users and leadership. CK wants to create a custom product training as a part of the experience. What should be recommended?
A. In-app prompts to provide access to video content B. Sandbox to experiment with the product C. Enablement Site to build and assign custom modules
Answer: C Explanation: An Enablement Site is a custom-branded site that allows users to access learning content, such as modules, trails, and trailmixes, from Trailhead. It also allowsadmins to create and assign custom modules that are specific to their organization’s needsand goals. An Enablement Site can be used to gamify the learning experience by addingbadges, points, and leaderboards. An Enablement Site can also provide analytics andreports on the learners’ progress and performance. Therefore, an Enablement Site is thebest option for Cloud Kicks to create a gamified learning content for its internal users andleadership, as well as a custom product training. References:[Trailhead: Enablement Site Basics][Trailhead: Create Custom Modules for Your Enablement Site][Trailhead: Gamify Your Enablement Site]
Question # 43
Cloud Kicks (CK) is planning its Einstein Bot implementation and has identified common issues the bot canresolve. CK has determined that extensive technical planning is needed for bot effectiveness and customer satisfaction. Which additional element(s) would be essential?
A. Training and support planning B. User interface planning C. Onboarding planning D. Voice and tone planning
Answer: B
Question # 44
Cloud kicks wants to incorporates human-centered design across its organization Which two practices should beadopted
A. Including innovative ideas to showcase technology B. observing user behavior C. putting oneself in the situation of the end-user D. creating requirements based on business leaders priorities
Answer: B,C Explanation: Human-centered design is a process that starts with the people you aredesigning for and ends with new solutions that are tailor-made to suit their needs. Itinvolves understanding the problem from the perspective of the end-users, empathizingwith their needs and preferences, and creating solutions that are desirable, feasible, andviable. To incorporate human-centered design across an organization, two practices thatshould be adopted are:Observing user behavior: This involves watching how users interact with a productor service, what they do, say, think, and feel. Observing user behavior can helpidentify pain points, needs, goals, motivations, and emotions that drive userbehavior. It can also reveal insights that users may not be able to articulate or maynot be aware of themselves. Observing user behavior can be done throughmethods such as user interviews, contextual inquiry, usability testing, andanalytics. Putting oneself in the situation of the end-user: This involves imagining orexperiencing what the user goes through when using a product or service, andhow they perceive and respond to it. Putting oneself in the situation of the endusercan help build empathy, understand the user’s context and environment, andgenerate ideas that address the user’s needs and expectations. Putting oneself inthe situation of the end-user can be done through methods such as personas,scenarios, journey maps, and empathy maps.References:: [What is Human-Centered Design?]: [Human-Centered Design: The Definitive Guide]: [UX Research: What is User Behavior?]: [Observing the User Experience: A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research]: [UX Research Methods: Observation]: [Empathy in Design Thinking]: [UX Research Methods: Empathy]
Question # 45
A UX Designer is hired to help create a brand new app for the AppExchange with a humancentered approach. Which strategy will most likely strengthen employee relationships the most?
A. Create a first draft in a design team and then share it for feedback with employees. B. Send an anonymous survey to collect ideas from across the whole company. C. Invite employees from different departments and create a journey map together.
Answer: CExplanation: A journey map is a visual representation of the steps, emotions, and pain points that a user goes through when interacting with a product or service. A journey mapcan help the UX Designer understand the user’s needs, goals, expectations, andfrustrations, and identify opportunities for improvement or innovation12Creating a journey map together with employees from different departments is a strategythat can strengthen employee relationships the most, because it can:Foster collaboration and communication: Inviting employees from differentdepartments to create a journey map can help them share their perspectives,insights, and ideas, and learn from each other. This can also help them align on acommon vision and goal, and build trust and respect among the team members34Increase engagement and ownership: Inviting employees from differentdepartments to create a journey map can help them feel more involved andinvested in the design process and the outcome. This can also help them developa sense of ownership and responsibility for the product or service, and increasetheir motivation and satisfaction34Enhance creativity and innovation: Inviting employees from different departmentsto create a journey map can help them generate more diverse and creativesolutions, as they can leverage their different skills, experiences, andbackgrounds. This can also help them challenge their assumptions and biases,and explore new possibilities and opportunities34Create a first draft in a design team and then share it for feedback with employees:This is not a strategy that can strengthen employee relationships the most,because it can create a sense of exclusion and hierarchy among the employees.The design team may appear to be the sole authority and decision-maker, while
Question # 46
Cloud Kicks has updated its logo and wants it prominently displayed on its Digital Experience site. Where does their UX Designer need to code to update the logo?
A. Visualforce pages B. Page headers C. Email templates
Answer: B Explanation: A page header is a component that appears at the top of every page on aDigital Experience site, and usually contains the site logo, the site name, the navigationmenu, and other elements that provide a consistent and recognizable look and feel for thesite. A UX Designer can code the page header to update the logo for Cloud Kicks by usingthe Experience Builder or the Developer Console1. The Experience Builder is a point-andclicktool that allows creating and customizing the page header using predefined templates,themes, and components. The Developer Console is a code editor that allows creating andediting the page header using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Lightning components2. Bothtools provide the option to upload and insert the new logo image file into the page header,and to adjust its size, position, and alignment.The other two options, Visualforce pages and email templates, are not the places wherethe UX Designer needs to code to update the logo for Cloud Kicks. Visualforce pages areweb pages that can be used to create custom user interfaces for Digital Experience sites,but they do not affect the page header, which is a separate component that can be added
Question # 47
Cloud Kicks (CK) isgoing to conduct some interviews surveys with users to better understand their Purchasing habits. CK’s UX Designer wants to get the most accurate view of customers’ purchasing behaviors using these research methods. Which two response biases should the designer be aware of when interviewing or surveying users? Choose 2 answers
A. Social Desirability Bias B. Randimized Bias C. Objectivity Bias D. Recency Bias
Answer: A,D Explanation: When interviewing or surveying users, the UX designer should be aware ofthe following response biases that can affect the accuracy of the data collected:Social desirability bias: This is the tendency of respondents to answer questions ina way that they think will make them look good or conform to social norms andexpectations. For example, when asked about their purchasing habits,respondents may underreport their spending on luxury items or impulse buys, oroverreport their spending on charitable causes or environmentally friendlyproducts. Social desirability bias can be reduced by ensuring anonymity and confidentiality, using indirect or less sensitive questions, or using implicitmeasures12.Recency bias: This is the tendency of respondents to recall and emphasize themost recent events or experiences, rather than the ones that occurred earlier ormore frequently. For example, when asked about their purchasing habits,respondents may base their answers on their last purchase or the last month,rather than their average or typical behavior over a longer period of time. Recencybias can be reduced by using specific and clear time frames, using multiplesources of data, or using longitudinal methods34.References:: [What Is Response Bias? | Definition & Examples]: [Types of User Research Bias and How to Avoid It in Your UX Design]: [Social Desirability Bias: Definition, Examples, and Solutions]: [Recency Bias: Definition, Examples, and Solutions]: [Recency Bias in User Research]: [Social Desirability Bias in Survey Research]
Question # 48
Cloud Kicks wants to drive engagement on its website. Which Salesforce feature should boost B2C engagement?
A. Marketing Cloud Personalization B. Experience Cloud C. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Answer: A Explanation: Marketing Cloud Personalization is a Salesforce feature that can boost B2C engagement on Cloud Kicks’ website. Marketing Cloud Personalization is a kind oftechnology solution that ingests customer engagement and profile data, then — usingmachine learning and AI — determines relevant messages, segmentation, and content foreach customer, based on their preferences and affinities1. Marketing Cloud Personalizationcan help Cloud Kicks to create personalized and relevant experiences for their websitevisitors, such as showing them products, offers, or recommendations that match theirinterests, needs, or behaviors. Marketing Cloud Personalization can also help Cloud Kicksto optimize their website performance, such as increasing conversions, retention, loyalty,and revenue1.Experience Cloud is another Salesforce feature that can help Cloud Kicks to createengaging websites, but it is not the best option for boosting B2C engagement. ExperienceCloud is a platform that allows users to build branded digital experiences, such aswebsites, portals, forums, or mobile apps, that connect customers, partners, andemployees with Salesforce data and processes. Experience Cloud can help Cloud Kicks tocreate interactive and collaborative websites that integrate with their CRM, but it does notprovide the same level of personalization and intelligence as Marketing CloudPersonalization2.Marketing Cloud Account Engagement is a Salesforce feature that is designed for B2Bmarketing automation, not B2C engagement. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement,formerly known as Pardot, is a solution that helps users to generate more leads, nurturethem through email campaigns, and align sales and marketing efforts. Marketing CloudAccount Engagement can help Cloud Kicks to target and engage potential businesscustomers, but it is not suitable for engaging individual consumers on their website34.References: 2: Experience Cloud | Salesforce 3: Marketing Cloud Account Engagementcustomers are scaling their marketing and reaching more leads faster. Find more leads andconvert them more quickly with content that resonates Engage buyers on their terms withtailored, relevant campaigns4 4: Marketing Cloud vs. Marketing Cloud AccountEngagement2 1: Personalization Engine by Marketing Cloud - Salesforce1
Question # 49
What is a goal of usability testing?
A. Showing users how to use the design in the right way B. A Learning about the user's behavior and preferences C. Identifying the best variation of a page
Answer: B Explanation: Usability testing is a method of evaluating how easy and intuitive a product orservice is to use by observing real users performing specific tasks. It can help identifyusability issues, user needs, and user satisfaction. A goal of usability testing is to learnabout the user’s behavior and preferences, such as how they interact with the design, whatthey expect from the design, what they like or dislike about the design, and what they findconfusing or frustrating about the design. By learning about the user’s behavior andpreferences, the UX designer can gain insights and feedback that can help improve thedesign and enhance the user experience. References:: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 6: Validate User Interfaces: What is Usability Testing?
Question # 50
What are the foundational principles from the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)?
A. Perceivable, operable, understandable, robust B. Useful, effective, efficient, reliable C. Desirable, feasible, viable, affordable
Answer: A Explanation: The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of standardsthat aim to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. The WCAG areorganized by four principles, which state that content must be:Perceivable: Users must be able to perceive the information and user interfacecomponents in ways they can sense, such as through sight, hearing, or touch.Operable: Users must be able to interact with the user interface components andnavigate the content using various input methods, such as keyboard, mouse,voice, or gesture.Understandable: Users must be able to comprehend the information and theoperation of the user interface, which means that the content must be clear,consistent, and predictable.Robust: Users must be able to access the content using a wide range oftechnologies, including different browsers, devices, and assistive tools, whichmeans that the content must be compatible with current and future webstandards. References: WCAG 2 Overview, Understanding the Web ContentAccessibility Guidelines
Question # 51
Following a human-centered design process approach, Cloud Kicks is preparing a user feedback session for an app that is not performing as anticipated. In what way could confirmation bias be avoided?
A. Allow the user to explore the application without specific questions regarding whichtasks to perform. B. Ask open-ended questions staying away from questions regarding feelings. C. Ask specific questions about known pain points to confirm your hypothesis.
Answer: B Explanation: A docked prompt is a type of In-App Guidance that can be used to provide contextual help and guidance to the users in the Salesforce app. A docked prompt is asmall pop-up window that appears at the bottom of the screen, and can contain text,images, links, or videos. A docked prompt can be triggered by various events, such asopening a page, clicking a button, or completing an action. A docked prompt can also bedismissed by the user, or set to expire after a certain time or date12A UX Designer can customize the Salesforce Help Menu to meet the request of CloudKicks’ Sales team by creating a docked prompt based on new feature rollouts. This way,the UX Designer can:Inform the users about the new features and how they can benefit from them. Forexample, the UX Designer can create a docked prompt that introduces the newEinstein Opportunity Scoring feature, and explains how it can help the usersprioritize their opportunities and close more deals3Guide the users through the steps and best practices to use the new features. Forexample, the UX Designer can create a docked prompt that shows the users howto access and configure the new Einstein Opportunity Scoring feature, and how tointerpret and act on the scores3Engage the users and encourage them to explore and adopt the new features. Forexample, the UX Designer can create a docked prompt that includes a link to avideo tutorial, a Trailhead module, or a feedback survey about the new EinsteinOpportunity Scoring feature3Show a site map of all the content: This is not a way to customize the SalesforceHelp Menu to meet the request of Cloud Kicks’ Sales team, because a site map ofall the content is not a type of In-App Guidance, and it does not provide specificand timely help and guidance for the users. A site map of all the content is a visualrepresentation of the structure and hierarchy of a website or app, and it can beuseful for planning and designing the user interface, but not for providing In-AppGuidance4Provide links to external resources, such as training videos or a companydictionary: This is not a way to customize the Salesforce Help Menu to meet therequest of Cloud Kicks’ Sales team, because providing links to external resourcesis not a type of In-App Guidance, and it does not provide contextual and interactivehelp and guidance for the users. Providing links to external resources is a way to supplement the Salesforce Help Menu with additional information and resources,but not to create In-App Guidance5References:Create In-App Guidance Unit | Salesforce TrailheadIn-App Guidance - Salesforce HelpCreate a Docked Prompt for New Feature Rollouts Unit | Salesforce TrailheadWhat is a Sitemap? - Interaction Design FoundationCustomize the Help Menu in Lightning Experience - Salesforce Help
Question # 52
Cloud kicks has identified that its users are having difficulty figuring out where to look on a web page due to the number of design elements. Which threeconsiderations should be made to improve the visual hierarchy of the page? Choose 3 answers
A. Grouping proximity and common regions B. Scale using relative size to signal importance C. Continuity keep all typeface the same size D. Proportion, keep allelement a similar size E. Color and contract, saturation between the elements
Answer: A,B,E Explanation:The three considerations that should be made to improve the visual hierarchy of the pageare:Grouping proximity and common regions. This principle states that elements thatare close together or share a common boundary are perceived as belonging to thesame group. This helps to create a sense of order and organization on the pageand reduce the visual clutter.Scale using relative size to signal importance. This principle states that elementsthat are larger are perceived as more important or prominent than elements thatare smaller. This helps to create a contrast and focus on the page and guide theuser’s attention to the most relevant information.Color and contrast, saturation between the elements. This principle states thatelements that have different colors or contrast levels are perceived as distinct orseparate from each other. This helps to create a variety and interest on the pageand highlight the differences or similarities between the elements.References:: Visual Hierarchy: Gestalt Principles
Question # 53
A UX Designer wants to explore sample code for Lightning components and see how changing to code affects the visual appearance in real time, without deploying any code to a Salesforce org. Whichtwo resources should help accomplish this? Choose 2 answers
A. Lightning Design System Website B. Local Development Server C. Lightning Web Component Recipes App D. Develop Center’s Lightning Component Library
Answer: A,B Explanation: Two resources that can help a UX Designer to explore sample code for Lightning components and see how changing the code affects the visual appearance inreal time, without deploying any code to a Salesforce org, are:Lightning Design System Website. The Lightning Design System website is aresource that provides design guidelines, UI components, and code samples forbuilding Lightning applications. The website also features a live code editor thatallows the designer to edit and preview the code for Lightning web componentsand Aura components, and see the changes reflected in the browser instantly. Thelive code editor also provides syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and errorchecking features. The designer can use the Lightning Design System website toexperiment with different code snippets and learn how to apply the designprinciples and best practices for Lightning components. Lightning Design SystemWebsite, [UX Designer Certification Prep: Salesforce Design System]Local Development Server. The Local Development Server is a resource thatallows the designer to build, run, and test Lightning web components withoutdeploying them to a Salesforce org. The Local Development Server is a CLI pluginthat creates a local web server that serves the Lightning web components fromthe local file system. The designer can use the Local Development Server to editthe code for Lightning web components in their preferred code editor, such asVisual Studio Code, and see the changes updated in the browser automatically.The Local Development Server also supports hot reloading, which preserves thecomponent state and the browser session during code changes. The designer canuse the Local Development Server to speed up the development and testingprocess and to debug the code for Lightning web components. Local DevelopmentServer, [UX Designer Certification Prep: User Testing and Evaluation]The Lightning Web Component Recipes App and the Developer Center’s LightningComponent Library are not resources that can help a UX Designer to explore sample codefor Lightning components and see how changing the code affects the visual appearance inreal time, without deploying any code to a Salesforce org. The Lightning Web ComponentRecipes App is a sample application that showcases the functionality and best practices forLightning web components. The Developer Center’s Lightning Component Library is areference guide that provides documentation and examples for Lightning web componentsand Aura components. However, neither of these resources allow the designer to edit andpreview the code in real time, as they require the code to be deployed to a Salesforce orgor a scratch org first. Lightning Web Component Recipes App, Developer Center’sLightning Component Library, [UX Designer Certification Prep: User Testing andEvaluation] References: Lightning Design System Website, Local DevelopmentServer, Lightning Web Component Recipes App, Developer Center’s Lightning ComponentLibrary, [UX Designer Certification Prep: Salesforce Design System], [UX DesignerCertification Prep: User Testing and Evaluation]
Question # 54
A Sales team is having trouble interacting with Contact records in Sales Cloud. They cannot find the information they need, and many of the visible record fields are not relevant to sales activities. On top of that, they complain the page load time is very long. Which approach should be recommended to improve their experience?
A. Run the Salesforce Optimizer App to identify fields not in use. B. Move all unused fields to a separate section at the bottom of the page. C. Implement In-App Guidance to help users focus on the most important fields.
Answer: A Explanation: The best approach to improve the Sales team’s experience with Contact records in Sales Cloud is to run the Salesforce Optimizer App to identify fields not inuse. The Salesforce Optimizer App is a free tool that scans the Salesforce org andprovides a diagnostic report on the performance and health of the org1. It analyzes how theorg uses various features, such as fields, triggers, layouts, profiles, reports, and more, andsuggests customizations and improvements based on best practices1. By running theSalesforce Optimizer App, the Sales team can find out which fields are not being used orare redundant, and remove or hide them from the Contact record page. This way, they cansimplify the page layout, reduce the page load time, and focus on the fields that arerelevant to their sales activities2.Moving all unused fields to a separate section at the bottom of the page is not a goodoption, as it does not solve the problem of having too many fields on the page. It would stillaffect the page load time and the user experience, as the users would have to scroll downto see the entire page. Moreover, it would not help the users to find the information theyneed, as the fields would not be organized in a logical or meaningful way3.Implementing In-App Guidance to help users focus on the most important fields is also nota good option, as it does not address the root cause of the problem, which is having toomany fields on the page. In-App Guidance is a feature that allows admins to create customprompts and walkthroughs to guide users through tasks or processes on SalesforceLightning pages4. It can be useful for user training, onboarding, or adoption, but it cannotreplace the need for a clean and efficient page layout. In fact, having too many prompts orwalkthroughs on the page can be distracting and annoying for the users, especially if they are not relevant or helpful4. References:Run the Salesforce Optimizer AppImprove Your Implementation with Salesforce OptimizerPage LayoutsIn-App Guidance in Lightning Experien
Question # 55
Cloud Kicks (CK) wants to build a custom component for a complex opportunity process. CK's UX Designer is creating a three-step flow with modals and needs to select the main buttons for the "Continue", "Cancel", and "Back" actions. Which set should be chosen to adhere to the Salesforce Design System guidelines for button usage?
A. Brand button for "Cancel" and "Continue"; Neutral button for 'Back" B. A Neutral button for "Cancel" and "Back"; Brand button for "Continue" C. Brand button for "Continue", "Cancel", and "Back"
Answer: B Explanation: According to the Salesforce Design System guidelines for button usage, the brand button should be used for the primary action on a page or modal, such as “Save” or“Continue”. The neutral button should be used for secondary or tertiary actions, such as“Cancel” or “Back”. The brand button should have more visual weight and contrast than theneutral button, to indicate its importance and guide the user’s attention. Therefore, the bestoption for the Cloud Kicks custom component is to use a brand button for “Continue” andneutral buttons for “Cancel” and “Back”. References: Trailhead: Systems Design withSLDS, Salesforce Developers: Buttons, Lightning Design System: Buttons
Question # 56
Which part of the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) should be used to create visual consistency with regard to alignments, grids, spacing, and typography'
A. Component Blueprints B. BEM Naming Classes C. Utility Classes
Answer: C Explanation: To create visual consistency with regard to alignments, grids, spacing, andtypography, the part of the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) that should beused is utility classes. Utility classes are CSS classes that provide common stylingproperties, such as margins, paddings, borders, colors, fonts, and text alignments. Utilityclasses can be applied to any HTML element to quickly and easily adjust its appearanceand layout. Utility classes follow the BEM (Block Element Modifier) naming convention,which makes them easy to read and understand. Utility classes can help the designer tocreate visual consistency across the Lightning components and pages, without writingcustom CSS or overriding the component blueprints. References: : Utility Classes |Lightning Design System : UX Designer Certification Prep: Designing with Lightning DesignSystem | Trailhead
Question # 57
Cloud Kicks wants to create a site for its customers to manage events regardless of the device they are using. Which best practice should be used to provide this experience?
A. Create a responsive user interface. B. Develop a separate native mobile app for Android and iOS. C. Launch two different interfaces from the same page.
Answer: A Explanation: A responsive user interface is a type of user interface that adapts to differentscreen sizes, resolutions, orientations, and devices, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, andsmartphones. It uses flexible layouts, grids, images, and media queries to optimize the userexperience and ensure usability, accessibility, and performance across different devices. Aresponsive user interface can help Cloud Kicks create a site for its customers to manageevents regardless of the device they are using, as it can provide a consistent and seamlessexperience that meets the user needs and expectations. A responsive user interface canalso reduce the development and maintenance costs and efforts, as it can use the samecode base and content for different devices, rather than creating separate versions for eachdevice. References: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 5: Design User Interfaces: User Experience Designer Certification Prep: Module 7: Implement UserInterfaces: What is Responsive Web Design?To create a site for its customers to manage events regardless of the device they areusing, Cloud Kicks should use the best practice of creating a responsive user interface. Aresponsive user interface is one that adapts to the screen size and orientation of thedevice, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience for the user. A responsiveuser interface can use the same code base and content for different devices, reducing thedevelopment and maintenance costs and ensuring consistency and accessibility. Aresponsive user interface can also leverage the features and capabilities of the device,such as touch, gestures, camera, etc., to enhance the user experience.References:: Responsive User Interface
Question # 58
Cloud Kicks hired a UX Designer to help improve the design of its Experience Cloud site. The company knows the interface needs updating but is unsure about what should be done. Which tool should the designer utilize first?
A. Heuristic Evaluation B. Low-Fidelity Prototype C. Design Template
Answer: A Explanation: A heuristic evaluation is a method of inspecting the usability of an interfaceby comparing it to a set of general principles or heuristics. It can help identify potentialproblems and areas for improvement in the design. A heuristic evaluation is usually donebefore creating any prototypes, as it can provide insights and guidance for the designprocess. A low-fidelity prototype is a rough sketch or mockup of an interface that can beused to test and validate design ideas with users. It is usually created after conductingsome research and analysis of the user needs and goals. A design template is a pre-madelayout or structure that can be used to create an interface. It can help save time and ensureconsistency in the design, but it may not suit the specific needs and preferences of theusers or the business. A design template is usually applied after defining the content andfunctionality of the interface. References:[Heuristic Evaluation]: This is a Trailhead module that explains what a heuristicevaluation is, how to conduct one, and how to use the results to improve thedesign of an interface.[Low-Fidelity Prototyping]: This is a Trailhead module that covers the benefits andbest practices of creating and testing low-fidelity prototypes with users.[Design Templates]: This is a Trailhead module that introduces the concept ofdesign templates and how to use them in Experience Cloud.
Question # 59
Cloud Kicks requires a custom image to be added to a record detail page, making it easier for the company to visually identify its current membership level. Which platform tools should be used to achieve this requirement?
A. A Formula Field, Static Resource, and Object Page Layout B. Image Field, Dynamic Form, and Lightning Record Page C. Lightning Components, SLDS Icons, and Compact Layouts
Answer: A Explanation: A formula field is a custom field that calculates a value based on a formulaexpression. A formula field can display text, numbers, dates, or images. A formula field canuse the IMAGE function to display an image from a URL. A formula field can be added toan object page layout to show the image on the record detail page1.A static resource is a file or a collection of files that can be uploaded to Salesforce andreferenced in a formula field, a Visualforce page, a Lightning component, or a web tab. Astatic resource can store images, style sheets, JavaScript, or other files. A static resourcecan be used to store the custom image that Cloud Kicks wants to display on the record detail page2.An object page layout is a configuration of fields, buttons, related lists, and othercomponents on a record detail page. An object page layout can be customized to showdifferent information for different users, based on their profiles or record types. An objectpage layout can be used to add the formula field that displays the custom image to therecord detail page3.These platform tools can be used to achieve the requirement of adding a custom image toa record detail page, making it easier for Cloud Kicks to visually identify its currentmembership level. For example, the formula field can use the IMAGE function to displaythe custom image from the static resource, based on the value of another field thatindicates the membership level. The object page layout can then include the formula fieldon the record detail page for the relevant users.Image field is a custom field that allows users to upload and display images on a record.Image field can be used to show images on a record detail page, but it is not suitable forCloud Kicks’ requirement, because it does not allow the image to be determined by aformula expression. Image field requires the user to manually upload the image for eachrecord, which is not efficient or consistent4.Dynamic form is a feature that allows admins to add, group, and reorder fields and sectionson a Lightning record page using the Lightning App Builder. Dynamic form can be used tocreate flexible and dynamic page layouts that can adapt to different contexts andscenarios. Dynamic form also supports visibility rules, which can be used to show or hidefields or sections based on filters or conditions. However, dynamic form is not a platformtool that can be used to display a custom image on a record detail page, as it does notaffect the content or functionality of the fields. Dynamic form can only be used to configurethe layout of the fields, not the values or images of the fields5.Lightning components are reusable units of user interface that can be used to buildLightning pages and applications. Lightning components can be built using HTML, CSS,JavaScript, and Apex. Lightning components can display data, images, icons, charts,buttons, or other elements on a Lightning page. SLDS icons are icons from the SalesforceLightning Design System that can be used in Lightning components to represent actions,objects, or concepts. Compact layouts are page layouts that show a record’s key fields at aglance in the highlights panel, the list view, the Related tab, and other places. Compactlayouts can be used to customize which fields are displayed in these places6.Lightning components, SLDS icons, and compact layouts are platform tools that can beused to display images on a Lightning page, but they are not the best option for CloudKicks’ requirement, because they are more complex and require more development skillsthan a formula field, a static resource, and an object page layout. Lightning componentsalso require more maintenance and testing than formula fields. SLDS icons are predefinedicons that may not match the custom image that Cloud Kicks wants to display. Compactlayouts are not relevant for displaying images on a record detail page, as they only affect the highlights panel and other places6.References: 1: Use Images in ‘Formula’ Fields - Salesforce 2: Static Resources |Salesforce Developer Guide 3: Page Layouts | Salesforce Help 4: Image Field | SalesforcePlatform - YouTube 5: Dynamic Forms Tips and Considerations - Salesforce 6: LightningComponents Basics Unit | Salesforce Trailhead
Question # 60
A UX Designer at Cloud Kicks wants to utilize a design thinking approach for the design of new customer services. Which approach combination encourages more creative problem-solving?
A. Divergent and convergent B. Agile and efficient C. Simple and innovative
Answer: A Explanation: A design thinking approach is a human-centered method for solving complexproblems and creating innovative solutions. It involves understanding the needs anddesires of the users, generating and testing multiple ideas, and iterating on the feedbackand results. A design thinking approach can be divided into two types of thinking: divergentand convergent. Divergent thinking is the process of generating many possible solutions toa problem without judging or filtering them. It encourages creativity, exploration, andexperimentation. Convergent thinking is the process of evaluating, selecting, and refiningthe best solution to a problem. It involves analysis, logic, and criteria. Divergent andconvergent thinking are complementary and cyclical. They help the designer to expand thesolution space and then narrow it down to the most feasible and desirable option. By usingboth types of thinking, the designer can encourage more creative problem-solving andavoid premature convergence or fixation on a single idea. Therefore, the best approachcombination for the UX Designer at Cloud Kicks is divergent and convergentthinking. References: Trailhead: Design Thinking, Trailhead: Salesforce User ExperienceDesigner Certification Prep, Divergent and Convergent Design Thinking
Question # 61
Cloud Kicks (CK) is planning to roll out a refreshed version of its mobile app with some new functionality for customers. What are two reasons why CK’s UX Designer would consider using an interactive prototype in this situation? Choose2 answers.
A. To increase the speed of design compared to paper prototyping B. To eliminate the need for journey mapping during discovery C. To avoid added long-term cost from oversight-driven rework D. To enable iterative feedback from the users
Answer: C,D Explanation: An interactive prototype is a simulation of the final product that allows usersto interact with it and test its functionality and usability. An interactive prototype can becreated using tools such as Figma or Invision, and can be shared with stakeholders andusers for feedback and validation. An interactive prototype can have several benefits for a UX designer, especially when planning to roll out a refreshed version of a mobile app withsome new functionality for customers. Two of these benefits are12:To avoid added long-term cost from oversight-driven rework. An interactiveprototype can help the UX designer to identify and fix any errors, bugs, or gaps inthe design before the development stage. This can save time and money thatwould otherwise be spent on reworking the product after it is developed. Aninteractive prototype can also help the UX designer to ensure that the newfunctionality is aligned with the customer needs and expectations, and that it doesnot compromise the existing functionality or performance of the app.To enable iterative feedback from the users. An interactive prototype can provide arealistic and engaging user experience, and allow the users to explore the app andprovide their opinions and suggestions. The UX designer can use the userfeedback to iterate and improve the design, and to validate the assumptions andhypotheses. An interactive prototype can also help the UX designer to measurethe user satisfaction and loyalty, and to test the app’s usability and accessibility.The following two reasons are not valid for using an interactive prototype in this situation:To increase the speed of design compared to paper prototyping. An interactiveprototype is not necessarily faster than a paper prototype, as it requires more timeand effort to create and refine. A paper prototype is a low-fidelity prototype thatuses sketches or drawings to represent the app’s layout and functionality. A paperprototype can be useful for generating and testing ideas quickly and cheaply, andfor involving the users in the co-design process3.To eliminate the need for journey mapping during discovery. An interactiveprototype is not a substitute for journey mapping, but a complement. Journeymapping is a UX research method that visualizes the user’s journey across theapp, and identifies the touchpoints, actions, emotions, and pain points. Journeymapping can help the UX designer to understand the user’s context, goals, andneeds, and to discover the opportunities for improvement. An interactive prototypecan help the UX designer to test and validate the journey map, and tocommunicate the design vision to the stakeholders andusers4. References: Interactive Prototypes Without Coding - Studio byUXPin, What is Interactive Prototypes? — updated 2023 | IxDF, Paper Prototypingas a Usability Testing Technique, Journey Mapping 101 | Nielsen Norman Group
Question # 62
A sales representative needs to quickly see key fields whenever viewing an opportunity. Which three Salesforce feature would allow fields to be available when they are viewing arecord? Choose 3 answers
A. Customer Links B. Highlights Panel C. Compact Layout D. Tabs E. List Views
Answer: B,C,E Explanation: These three features allow fields to be available when viewing a record inSalesforce.A highlights panel displays key fields at the top of a record page in LightningExperience. It can be customized to show the most important information for eachobject.A compact layout determines which fields appear in the highlights panel, the listview hover, and the Salesforce app. It can be assigned to different record typesand profiles.A list view displays a set of records that meet specified filter criteria. It can besorted and filtered by different fields, and users can select which fields to display inthe list view.References:[Customize the Highlights Panel][Create and Assign Compact Layouts][Create and Customize List Views]
Question # 63
Cloud Kicks wants to use Paths for onboarding its sales representatives. Which Path feature should be used to add onboarding value?
A. Integrated buttons to automate approvals B. Actions and recommendations component C. A Key fields to complete before next Path stage
Answer: C Explanation: The Path feature that should be used to add onboarding value for the salesrepresentatives is the Key fields component. The Key fields component allows the admin tospecify up to five fields that are important or required for each stage of the Path. The salesreps can see and edit these fields directly from the Path, without scrolling through therecord page. This helps to guide the reps on what information they need to gather orupdate at each stage, and ensures data quality and completeness. The Key fieldscomponent can also be used to enforce validation rules or required fields, by preventing thereps from moving to the next stage until they fill out the necessary fields. References:: Set Up a Path: Considerations and Guidelines for Creating Paths: Optimize Sales Processes with Path in Salesforce
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